Monday, November 26, 2007

And at last,

I got my latte. And the floor got some as well. A cup full. Luckily it survived the fall. You can trust your old Höganäs stuff.

Getting the new espresso maker:
The shop didn't think if was strange that I wanted my money back, there's not supposed to be a hole in the bottom. Hmpfr. Anyways, as it was the last 3 cup espresso maker, I had to go elsewhere to get one. Duka in Ringens Centrum could help me out for one SEK more. Which I spent with joy. When I got back home, it took me two tries to get it all running. For some weird reason (I might have missed turning the lid one turn or so) the water wen't back into the bottom during my first try. Luckily enough I was in a good mood and kept my calm... There was children around. :D