Monday, July 30, 2007

A present from Elsa

I asked for a helicopter. A very artistic interpretation if you ask me.

Artist: Elsa Edman

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Skateboard #2

Photos: Daniel Ekelund

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Skateboard #1

Photos: Daniel Ekelund (Cousin)

No skating yesterday...

Was going to post this yesterday, but our Internet connection wouldn't let me upload the movie on YouTube. Got disconnected all the time. Anyhow, works better today, so here it is. "Summer in Onsala 2007".

And here for something a lot more fun,

Friday, July 27, 2007

The weather,

The weather's been pushing us around since we came here, mostly rain. According to the weather service, next week will put an end to that. They're saying that the summer's coming next week. Wouldn't be bad if it did, it's been an awful summer so far. And what's made it worse is that our cottage has a problem with water leaking in thru the ceiling. Until we covered it with tarpaulin, we've been running with buckets and towels. One corner off our room is all damp and moisty. Not very nice, anyhow, we've started reparing it now and hopefully we'll put an end to the problems we've had the last couple of years... It should have been done way back, but hey, we inherited this place last year, and there's been a problem getting things done until now.

So much for the pessimist, there's been days when we've been able to go swimming. Here's my cousin Daniel folding his towel after an ice cold swim in the refreshingly salty west coast water.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Qtr Session Onsala

Finally it's skatable, still some stuff to fix until it's all done... But, couldn't resist trying it out, the weather's been wonderful today.

Photo: Gunnar

Photo: Gunnar

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Qtr update #3

The coping isnt nailed to the sides yet.

My cousin Daniel helping me out building the thing. We just carried it up from the street. Heavy as a mfer it is.

Ah, soon ready for some ripping. Too bad the weather fcks everything up. It's been raining like a mfer for days. Today it stopped raining for some hours during the day which I used to saw of the plywood sticking out at the top, measuring and fixing support for the coping and nailing the platform to the sides. Also filled the coping out with some wood board to be able to nail to the sides. Unfortunately I cut the plywood a couple of centimeters to short so now I need some a thin slice and fill it out.

Qtr update #2

I'm almost finished with my quarterpipe. Still some adjustments to be done... Boards to attach the coping to, the top platform and the plywood edge touching the ground.

I stole some ideas from Slap Magazine, quarterpipe instructions

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Qtr update #1

I've started with the supporting boards while checking around for some more plywood. You can see the extension to the transition I added. I also decided to let the coping I found yesterday set the width of the quarter. Might be a bit to high for the width... Well we'll see later on if I have to shorten the sides even more. Anyhow, it'll certainly save me some plywood. This photo was taken mid day yesterday, I've added some more boards since.

Do it like Claude

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

On ice until more plywood...

Been working on this small quarter pipe. I've got the sides of the quarter pipe, now I need more boards for the transition. Some friends nearby have metal pipe for the coping and the tarmac on the street next to our house is just a year old. Still smooth and perfect for street skating.

As you might see, the transition between the ground and the quarter is a bit steep. Going to even it out. Man, transition is so hard to cut... Don't want to end up with a wallride.

When the sun goes down

After a lot or bad weather, the sun finally came around. The two last days have been wonderful. Today it's windy and cloudy again.

Might stay in and finish Prison Break Season 2... I've got about six episodes left. At 13 now. (WATCH out, spoiler) They've just burried their dad. I'm getting a bit tired of Michael always having a trick up his sleeve. It's like all of the others just can't fend for themselves... Mike always have to fix everything. He makes that face, looks around at the environment he currently got stuck in (they always manage to fuck something up that needs to be solved. They'd need a fucking horse shoe or something) and goes "it's going to be okay" thru his teeth.

Technorati Sub

Technorati Profile

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Sommar sommar sommar

Swedish summer. I'm tanning like usual. All blending white.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Julian's opinion about the country side

Summer reading

Finally, time to read. I've started on my second Malcolm Gladwell book The Tipping Point.

Editorial Reviews by
"The best way to understand the dramatic transformation of unknown books into bestsellers, or the rise of teenage smoking, or the phenomena of word of mouth or any number of the other mysterious changes that mark everyday life," writes Malcolm Gladwell, "is to think of them as epidemics. Ideas and products and messages and behaviors spread just like viruses do." Although anyone familiar with the theory of memetics will recognize this concept, Gladwell's The Tipping Point has quite a few interesting twists on the subject.
For example, Paul Revere was able to galvanize the forces of resistance so effectively in part because he was what Gladwell calls a "Connector": he knew just about everybody, particularly the revolutionary leaders in each of the towns that he rode through. But Revere "wasn't just the man with the biggest Rolodex in colonial Boston," he was also a "Maven" who gathered extensive information about the British. He knew what was going on and he knew exactly whom to tell. The phenomenon continues to this day--think of how often you've received information in an e-mail message that had been forwarded at least half a dozen times before reaching you..."
Get it before the summer is over.

Get Tipping Point at Amazon

Monday, July 9, 2007

Bubbles Tee Print

30 things I wish'd I knew as a kid:

Here's an old post from my previous blog. I liked it. Add stuff to it please. :)

  1. You will be glad that your parents didn't let you smoke and drink at home like your friends parents did
  2. I takes about 15 years to get a flat in central Stockholm, dont wait to enter the waiting list
  3. You won't have McDonalds every day when you grow up
  4. Red wine tastes awesome
  5. Blue cheese tastes awesome
  6. Throwing stones at the commuter train is dangerous and you will be caught
  7. Snorkeling during 12 am to 2 am without sun protection in the Dominican Republic will ruin the rest of the trip
  8. It’s not cool to wear track pants everyday unless you live in Poland
  9. Elton John likes men
  10. George Michael does too
  11. The original The Velvet Underground And Nico vinyl is cooler to own with the banan unpealed
  12. Knowing mathematics isn't totally useless
  13. Short ICQ numbers are cool
  14. Knowing more than one language can be useful
  15. Hawking can be addictive
  16. So can cigarettes
  17. You will be addicted to nicotine if you smoke, just wait. And it's shit hard to quit... And no, a nicotine addiction dosent give a fuck about a strong character
  18. The tape deck will eventually be knocked by something much better so don't invest all your money in a expensive player
  19. No, the CD isn't durable and can't be scratched with a needle and still be played... Don't take the guy in the stores word for it, he's just fucking around, and he persists make sure to make him play the CD after
  20. Your 10-öres (1 swedish krona is divided in ten parts... I.e. 1/10 = 10 öre) collection won't be worth shit when they remove the coin
  21. Don't invest in a coax cable network at home
  22. You will get over her and eventually forget her name
  23. Under the matress isnt a good hiding place for porn mags
  24. There will be a better song than 'Ice Ice Baby'
  25. Sunglasses with a flashing "cool" isn't really
  26. Don't waste time spanking your monkey to Samantha Fox. She likes women
  27. You don't wan't to be Michael Jackson
  28. Putting your tongue on metal objects during winter does hurt, really
  29. Music artists don't read your fan mail
  30. Neither does Santa

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Eminem + Proof (RIP) Freestyle



Johanna's packing up for our holidays. We've gotten the travel bed for Julian... Might have to get a mattress for it as well. The case says it's included but when we opened the case the thing that looked like one felt a bit hard and unpadded. Anyhow.

Playing around with my Wacom board in Illustrator

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Julians got the fever

This is the first time Julian has fever. He's very warm, drowsy and just leans his head on our shoulders. I'm sure it's nothing but I still feel a bit scared. Our little guy who normally can't sit still for a second is just looking at us with his big blue eye's, watching us go around the flat, not making a sound. Not even his favourite toy attracts his attention. Hopefully it'll be gone tomorrow.

Only a few pages left

My little project is soon finished. I've only got about 8 pages out of 100(*2) left until it's all drawn and illustrated.

Jordan for Julian

Couldn't affoard them my size, so Julian got a pair.

Stockholm Quality Outlet Commercial

My first commercial. Done while working at John Doe Worldwide.